Latest Episodes
055 - The Ongoing Rustoration
From its inception, the Mormon church has claimed the "fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ" was restored (past tense) through the prophet Joseph...
054 - Premature Emancipation
A central belief in the Mormon faith is that Jesus Christ will come again, ushering in the Millennium, a time when he will rule...
053 - The Grateful Dead
Word has it that the dead are grateful for the Mormons doing stuff in the temple for them! Or at least that's what Mormons...
052 - Finding Peace in the Pieces
Intermingled with comments on the Coronavirus, we take a look at two different topics in this week's episode. First, how staying home from church...
051 - Protection Deception
There is a folklore-doctrine taught in the church that those who obey God will be "protected" both spiritually and physically - especially those in...
050 - Exclusive Inclusivity
For our semi-centennial episode, we talk about one of the craziest examples of "exclusive inclusivity" in the Mormon church -- the doctrine of the...